Choose Love!
As you well know, we are all about love, joy and abundant living!
We could not help but share this wonderful photograph representing “love”.
This photograph, known as “The Kiss,” is probably the most famous giraffe image ever snapped. It dates from 1995, when giraffe mom Misha leaned down over a wall in Australia’s Perth Zoo and kissed her newborn baby Makulu on the top of his head. The shot was printed in newspapers around the world, made into a popular poster, and helped raise awareness of Rothschild’s Giraffe, the endangered species to which these two animals belong. Zoo life being what it is, Misha and Makulu didn’t have a lot of time together — about a year later, he was moved to the Melbourne Zoo. There he met Twiga, a lovely young giraffe from the Netherlands, with whom he would have four children.
More love, for sure!

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