Celebrating Our Freedom- Happy 4th!
Today, no matter who you are, which part of this country you call home, no matter how old or young you may be, we all celebrate the freedom that is ours as those who live in the United States of America. It is that very freedom that allows us to differ on our views about politics, religion, education, ….well you name the topic and you can no doubt find someone who will differ with you on it. While our differences may seem to separate us, it is our freedom that brings us together. It is what we all have in common and on this one special day each year, it is what we celebrate on the 4th of July.
But that freedom comes at a cost:
So today as we celebrate at our picnics* and BBQ’s* and pool parties* in backyards and parks and beaches all over this land, may we remember those who paid the price for that magnificent gift called FREEDOM.
Because of it we can all experience greater love, joy and very abundant living. Happy 4th of July!
*While you are at those backyard parties and BBQ’s and picnics we have a Savvy Secret to help keep you free from mosquitos. It is a DEET free, chemical free, insect repellent you can make in just minutes and feel good about putting on your children and yourselves. If you have followed Two Chums for long you know that usually we give you Savvy Secrets in groups of 10 or more. This one is so good we are giving it to you all by itself!
Natural Homemade Mosquito Repellent
4 Tablespoons witch hazel
2 Tablespoons carrier oil, either grapeseed, extra virgin olive, or neem (neem oil conatins natural insecticidal elements)
1 teaspoon vodka (this is a natural preservative)
110 drops of essential oil – 55 drops of eucalyptus and then the remaining drops can be any one or a combination of :
tea tree
clove (clove oil may not be good for children the age of 3 and under, or if you are pregnant )
Place witch hazel, carrier oil and vodka in a 4 oz spray bottle. Add essential oils. Shake each time before using. You will need to reapply every few hours for maximum effectiveness. Now go enjoy all that outdoor fun and food without the fear of being food for the mosquitos 🙂

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Thank you for showing the video of Reagan. He was a great American president and understood this great country and what it means to people all over the world. Let us keep it strong! Let freedom ring…
I really needed to hear from Reagan .again. His voice, speech patterns, and words were inspiring. I have tears in my eyes. What a great video. Thank you and have a great Fourth!
I’m sorry that I’m a day late. This was a most touching post and RR’s speech at Arlington is very, very moving. Thank you for this wonderful post. I miss Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan was an amazing gentleman! We need a “Reaganesque” person again!