Oh Baby!
Oh baby it is! We are so excited about William and Catherine’s news and are rejoicing with them! Read more
Dec 6
Nov 23
The holidays are upon us and what would the holiday season be without a few beautifully wrapped presents? Read more
Oct 30
There is more than one way to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween…and a lot of creative fun to be had in the process 🙂
Oct 18
The amazing age of communication in which we now live had its first stirrings in the 1870’s when Alexander Graham bell invented the telephone. Although the telephone is what the world remembers this gentleman for, his passion was actually something different. Read more
Oct 15
You might well ask! It is not often that I run into people in Southern California who know where Nova Scotia is, much less what it is!
Oct 9
It’s coming…or should I say “They’re coming”…Halloween is around the corner and all those neighborhood children adorned in their costume finery will come knocking on the door. Whether you still have little ones of your own at home or now its grandbabies that make your cheeks hurt from all the smiling, who can resist a precious little one in a costume so excited to be going door to door and collecting all that sugar…aka candy. I love it! And my husband Randy loves it even more! Each year he hands out the biggest candy bars he can buy in the hopes that in years to come, adults who used to be the children trick or treating in our neighborhood, will drive their children past our home, point out of the window of their cars at our house and exclaim with great fondness, “The people in that house always gave the best candy every year!” Read more
Oct 8
The United States and Canada have many, many things in common and one of those things is that both countries celebrate Thanksgiving – one, on one given day, and the other, on another given day – each year. Read more
Sep 11
Everyone likes to feel wanted. That is why Jackie and I feel so strongly about using place cards when we invite anyone to a gathering where we will be sitting down to a meal. They tell the person whose name is on the card “we’re glad you are here and we planned on you coming.” Besides that, place cards can be just plain fun to design and make!
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Sep 10
Ten minutes before my guests arrive, I like to go around and light all of the candles. Candles create a wonderful atmosphere in your home, both, because of the light they produce and, if they are scented, the perfume they give off. Read more
Sep 3
Labor Day is a legal national holiday dating back to the end of the nineteenth century. It has evolved into a general “last fling of summer” festival.
It started as a parade in honor of the working class by the Knights of Labor in 1882 in New York. The parade was held on the first Monday in September and was designated by them as Labor Day as it has continued to be known.
All over this country today, people will be having cookouts and celebrate the holiday with hot dogs. Where you are living in this great country of ours will dictate just what kind of dogs you will enjoy 🙂
Aug 24
Summer is almost over, a new season is starting, and school is back in session! As you know, your Two Chums firmly believe in celebrating the good and so what better time to do just that? We are celebrating the wonderful time we have had all summer and all that the months ahead have in store. Read more
Aug 14
Your Two Chums really do love to have fresh flowers around, either those cut from the garden or bought at the Flower Market or grocery store. Obviously, a plant lasts much longer than cut flowers and a favorite of ours is the orchid. Read more
Jul 26
1908, 1948 and now 2012! These are the years that London has played genteel host to the Olympics and yes, by Jove, London is ready! There has been much question about whether she would be ready but, of course, in total British fashion, she IS ready to greet her guests and we have no doubt that it will be a wonderful few weeks.
Jun 29
Red, white and blue sangria, that is! All over this country this weekend, grills will be lit and barbeques readied as the celebration of our independence begins.
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Jun 20
As we continue this week with “favorite things”, today we want to share with you our favorite birthday memories. Jackie’s birthday last year was a very special one that we all were thrilled to be able to celebrate with her and to surprise her as well.
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Jun 15
Whatever else goes on this weekend, Sunday is the national day for celebrating our fathers. And what could be better for doing that than to offer your father, or the father of your children something sweet and delicious?
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Jun 13
It has been said, “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”
– George Herbert
What to give such an important person in our lives as a gift that will express our love and affection? For most fathers any gift you give with love will be appreciated. But so often one hears, “Men are so difficult to buy for – ladies are easy but men are really hard!”. Well, as far as Father’s Day gifts go, the first and foremost thing that we would suggest is love – wrap it up any way you want, but the very best may be to pour it, abundantly, into a little envelope! And, by that, we mean, that you might put pen to paper and express to your father or to the father of your children just how much you love him and what it is that you love about him most.
Jun 8
Well the week of celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II is coming to a close. In Britain and throughout the Commonwealth countries the celebrations will continue all year. But here at Two Chums we will move on to other subjects and just quietly continue to celebrate this monumental occasion. To close out the week we wanted to give you the very recipe for the chicken that was served at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation celebration 60 years ago…..thus the name…Coronation Chicken. Read more
Jun 6
As you have surely figured out by now, we are unashamedly fans and admirers of Her Majesty the Queen, and love knowing about all things “Royal”. We are assuming there are some of you who visit us here at Two Chums who just might feel the same. So we can’t help ourselves this week as we celebrate this most happy and extraordinary week for the subjects of the Queen who live all over the globe , Jackie being one of them as a Canadian citizen. Monday we shared some facts about the Queen but today here are some more fun facts ….or savvy secrets about Queen Elizabeth you may not know….including the recipe for the Christmas Pudding she gives as gifts every year….jolly good:)
1. She doesn’t have a passport.
Despite being history’s most widely traveled head of state—she has reportedly visited 116 countries during her 60-year reign—Elizabeth does not hold a passport. Since all British passports are issued in the queen’s name, she herself doesn’t need one. She also doesn’t require a driver’s license, though she has been known to take joyrides around her various estates in her Range Rover. Read more
Jun 5
Once again, England has put on her party dress in celebration of her Queen’s Diamond Jubilee! The standards are raised, the trumpets are ready to be blown and the church bells are waiting to peal! Grab your flag and prepare to party like a Royal!
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Jun 4
This being the official week of Her Majesty the Queen’s Jubilee which marks her sixtieth year on the throne of England, we, being avid Royal Watchers, couldn’t help ourselves in sharing these facts with you. We found these on the Official Website of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
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May 18
We have put together a few Savvy Secrets for Brides but a lot of these pertain to anyone who is hosting an event. Enjoy! Read more
May 17
We have talked a lot this week about being sure to hold onto your joy throughout the weeks and months leading up to your wedding and today we are really stressing that point as, inevitably, some things will go “sideways”, as they say, and you want to be in a position, emotionally, to handle those moments well. Read more
May 15
Weddings these days can be huge affairs. Yes, marriage is a very important step and deserves to be given a very important place. Just because you cannot have a huge wedding, mind you, does not mean that you have a “small marriage”. The important thing in a marriage, obviously, is the love that is shared between the husband and wife. Money has nothing to do with that, clearly!
May 14
Getting engaged, for most people, is synonymous with joy. Everything about the occasion is joyous! How he actually asked you, the beauty of your ring, the idea of planning a wedding, and on and on. Oh, what an absolutely happy time it is and yes, it is really important to hold onto that joy. Read more
May 4
Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth day of May, commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867). As a consequence, in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Puebla but not in the rest of the country. But it will surely be celebrated here all over the United States.
Apr 19
(Ruth Forsyth-Smith, Jackie’s mum, on the far right looking quite stunning circa 1964)
What fun! You have decided to give a dinner party …… now, what will you wear?
When you are in the planning stages of an event, one of the things you will think about is what you would like the “dress” to be. The “dress” sets the stage for the type of evening you are going to enjoy. You know, years ago, in the Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire days, when people went out to dinner, they more often than not, wore “Black Tie”. By “Black Tie” it is meant that the gentleman wears a tuxedo and the lady wears a dressy dress – not necessarily a long dress but a party dress, as we like to call them. We have often had parties where “Black Tie” was the attire and, oh boy, have we loved having them! There is something rather special when everyone who comes in your door has made a huge effort to dress up to come to your party. It denotes an elegance about the evening. Very rarely these days does one get invited to a dinner party that is Black Tie but, on the other hand, many weddings are still “Black Tie”. When you see “Black Tie” in the bottom right corner of your invitation, be sure that your husband, boyfriend, partner, wears a tuxedo and that you dress up accordingly. When those two words are written on an invitation, there is not an option. He must show up in a tuxedo! If he does not own one, be sure to help him rent one. If, on the other hand, your invitation states “Black Tie Optional”, your hostess is letting you know that the occasion is a special one and that, ladies, you need to dress up. Gentlemen, if you do not own a tuxedo, no need to rent one – a dark suit will do just as well.
If you would like your dinner party to be a little bit special, you might say “Cocktail Attire” which would mean that dressing up is in order! Until a few years ago, “Cocktail Attire” would automatically have meant a jacket and tie for the gentlemen. Today, especially here in California where we live, things are a little more casual and a lot of gentlemen do not don a tie very often. There are certain private clubs which still maintain a “jacket and tie” rule so if you are giving a party at a private club or have been invited to such an evening, make sure you know the dress. These clubs usually have jackets and ties on hand to lend to a gentleman, should he turn up without them but how much better for him to be in clothes of his own choosing!
As hostess, you will set the tone. If you have told your guests that it is a casual evening, be sure that you dress casually. Otherwise, your guests will feel very uncomfortable.
Choose something that you feel great in. If you are having a problem thinking of something, remember what we said about the “little black dress“! Certainly, that is always appropriate. If you are the one doing all the cooking and serving for your dinner party, make sure you are in something that is comfortable and practical. Do not wear a top with long, flowy sleeves, for example, which might catch on fire when you put the peas on to cook! That top is better saved for an evening when you are out and being served!
My father’s job, as I was growing up, required a lot of entertaining. It seemed that most evenings, my darling parents were entertaining or being entertained. My mother had a wonderful wardrobe full of stunning dresses which she wore extremely well. Fortunately for my father, my mother loved it all and did it beautifully – always with a smile on her face and love in her heart. I am grateful to have learned from her – she taught by doing herself!
Make sure, when you are giving you next dinner party, that you add to the love, joy and abundant living in the world!
Apr 18
Setting a beautiful table for your guests to feast their eyes upon is a joy to do! There is nothing prettier than to see the sparkle of the glassware, the shinny silver, and the crisp linens. Read more
Apr 13
I have explained before in an earlier post written about Passover, that I grew up in a predominately Jewish neighborhood and gained a deep respect for the Jewish faith and traditions, and love for Jewish people. But prior to moving to that neighborhood, one of my closest friends was Greek.
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Apr 10
Use what you’ve got…that message has been coming to me again and again since the beginning of this year. Over and over again as I’ve gone out to buy something I thought I needed or wanted, or looked at something and wished I could buy it, I’ve heard that little voice reminding me…”Use what you’ve got.”
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Apr 6
As we have been talking all this week about baby showers, I became curious as to how this custom began, especially in light of the fact that ‘showers’ as we know them are relatively unheard of in most other countries. What I discovered in researching the subject was interesting….at least to me…so I’ll share it with you in case you are curious as I was.
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Apr 4
We have been talking about hosting a baby shower this week and have chatted about the importance of creating a theme. When you have a theme, you have great direction as your theme tends to “drive” the preparation process. Read more
Apr 2
“Let’s have a baby shower! Where shall we start?”
Well, we Two Chums always start with deciding on a theme. We love to have a theme to follow as we are then able to tailor the whole party around that theme. Today we are going to speak specifically about baby showers, though what we are talking about would apply to any shower. Growing up in England, my introduction to showers was being invited to one an American friend of my Mother’s gave. I had a wonderful time and loved the concept although in England (and in fact in most parts of the world) showers are unheard of except the ones that get you wet outside, of which there are many!
Mar 30
Easter is only a little more than a week away. I believe that I mentioned to you before, I love Easter! Every year I decorate eggs that I have blown and put a name on each one, for a guest who will be with us, and use the eggs as place cards at our Easter dinner table. There is just no limit to the ways you can decorate an egg…and one is more fun than the next 🙂
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Mar 29
A dining room table always needs a centerpiece! This might be as simple as a potted plant or a bowl of lemons or as elaborate as a beautifully arranged floral arrangement but, whatever the occasion, the table needs the focal point of a pretty aesthetic. Read more
Mar 28
{Photo by Steven Wayne Rotsch}
“It’s Easter Break ~ what fun things can we do?”, you ask. Your Two Chums have a few suggestions which we would like to share.
Mar 27
In just 12 days, we will celebrate Easter. It is the biggest holiday and most holy of days for those who are Christians. It is the story of sacrifice and redemption, of good overcoming evil, the story of love triumphing over death, the story of resurrection and new life. Ultimately it is our reason for hope. I love Easter.
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Mar 23
We have spent this week with you, our Chums, talking about the various aspects of tea, taking tea, having tea parties and heartfelt thoughts of those dear to us. But we couldn’t finish out the week, or a tea party, without some Sweet Bites to eat. For us any tea time wouldn’t be complete without some scones, lemon curd, raspberry or strawberry jam, and a lemon tea cake.
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Feb 29
No matter what your style is, there are two things that are timeless ~ the “little black dress” and pearls.
In the 1920’s Coco Chanel brought us the “little black dress” that eventually became, and continues to be, a symbol of chic and sophisticated simplicity. As Vogue magazine predicted at the time, it became, “a uniform for all women of taste”. Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffanys epitomized the standard for wearing the little black dress accessorized with pearls. Read more
Feb 23
Having a buffet dinner party or a potluck? Not sure how to make it look great? Let us help you make it look professional and most welcoming. It is simple enough to do with things you probably already have at home. Here’s how: Read more
Feb 22
As the night for the Academy Awards approaches, we promised to give you some ideas for your Oscar party. Today we want to share with you two of our favorite recipes, Deviled Eggs and Hot Artichoke Dip.
Deviled eggs are one of those foods that conjures up happy childhood memories of family gatherings. They’re a simple food that you eat with your fingers at picnics or barbeques or maybe on Easter. So, years ago, as we prepared for a cocktail party, it seemed a stretch to serve such an “ordinary” item on a buffet that wanted to be…….not stuffy……but maybe a little bit elegant. Still we needed one more item to round out the menu and fill a gap in the buffet table, and what we had in abundance were eggs, so why not try them, along with the other dishes being prepared and just see how they were received? Read more
Feb 15
Over the years, some very well known and glamorous people have leapt to their feet and taken the stage when hearing this familiar phrase. Though most of us will never be in their situation, we can all identify with the excitement of being acknowledged for a job well done. In the film industry, Oscar is the icon synonymous with excellence.
There are many stories floating around as to how Oscar got his name but one legend has it that Eleanor Lilleberg, a Norwegian-American, who was the Executive Secretary to Louis B. Mayer exclaimed when viewing the statuette, “It looks like King Oscar II!” Before leaving for the day, she asked, “What should we do with Oscar? Put him in the vault?” and the name stuck.
Oscar, today, is made of gold-plated britannium on a black metal base. During World War II, with a desire to support the War effort, the statuettes were made of plaster, and later, traded in for gold ones when the War ended. Oscar is 13½ inches tall and weighs 8½ pounds. He is actually a knight designed in the art deco style, holding a crusader’s sword, while standing on a reel of film with five spokes. Each of these spokes represents a branch of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians.
America is in love with this, her favorite award show. We love to see the clothes, we love to hear the interviews, and we love to speculate on who the winners will be, most certainly, “Best Actress”, “Best Actor” and “Best Picture”.
Feb 8
Why red roses for love? As the story has it, the red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and, since then, the red rose has been associated with lovers. The tradition lives on. From timeless pieces of art and classical poetry to modern day music and media, red roses are seen depicting the message of love.
For most people, red roses simply mean “I love you” and that is why, in the United States, one hundred and ten million roses, the majority being red, will be sold and delivered within the three-day time period around Valentine’s Day. Amazing!
Robin and I do most of our flower shopping at the Los Angeles Flower Market in downtown Los Angeles. Read more