Breaking News : You’re the Best, Mom!
Think about it…by the time you were 18 years old your mother had served you breakfast somewhere in the neighborhood of 6,000 times! This Mother’s Day is your chance to return the favor 🙂
Of course you could take your mother out to brunch and she would no doubt truly appreciate the gesture. But how much more might she appreciate your taking the time to make her breakfast or brunch. We have a few fun, and not too difficult, menu ideas that are delicious!
Mother’s Day
Menu #1
Classic Quiche
Cinnamon Rolls
Fresh Fruit
Coffee or Tea
Mother’s Day
Menu #2
Chile Relleno Casserole
Fresh Fruit
Blueberry Muffins
Coffee or Tea
Fruity Sangria
Mother’s Day
Menu #3
Roasted Potatoes
Watermelon Slices
Coffee or Tea
Agua Fresca
Strawberry Shortcake
Mother’s Day
Menu #4
Scrambled Eggs
Biscuits and Gravy
Fresh Fruit
Coffee or Tea
Mint Julep
Hummingbird Cake
Mother’s Day
Menu #5
Cheese Blintzes
with Raspberry Jam
Sausage Patties
Coffee or Tea
Peach Cobbler
Of course these are just suggested menu combinations. Feel free to “mix and match” these dishes or come up with your own ideas to create the perfect menu for your mother or your wife. What is most important is the message of love you will be sending. No matter what you do for her, a rose bush in her mother’s honor, breakfast you made for her, or a photo declaring your love, it is guaranteed that your mother will love it because it came from you and she loves you more than you will ever know. You, after all, are the reason she is a mother.
I want to take this opportunity to wish the woman who first made me a mother, my daughter Sara Joy, a very “Happy Birthday”. I love you, honey. The day you were born brought me great love, joy and so much abundant living!
Here’s wishing many happy returns of the day to Sara and to all our chums who are mothers and mothers-to-be, a very sweet and Happy Mother’s Day 🙂

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LOVE this writing Robin and Jackie…great menu recipes also. Thanks for sharing…and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the gal who made you mom for the first time!
Charming greeting of love to lovely daughter number one for who she is and having your first grandchild precious Sadie. Beautiful, all of your Joys. Happy Mother’s Day to all.
Your first granddaughter Sadie, first grandchild would be most handsome Jeremy. Correction from my first giddy comment.
That’s a lot of cooking you did to take all those pictures! I can give you my address in Florida!
So much love to you and Randy and to Jackie and Dennis.
Just gained 10 lbs. drooling over the pictures–wow a beautiful variety, you gals deserve a day off for Mothers Day. Have a Happy one.
Happy Mother’s Day to you, dear Virginia! With much love from your Two Chums!