Be Generous!

One really does not have to have a lot of money to be generous. You can be generous with your smile, with your love, with your joy! And read on to hear the power of being generous!
Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.
— Dalai Lama
It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need.
— Allan Lokos, meditation teacher
Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share.
— Jonathan Sacks, rabbi and philosopher
Money is but one venue for generosity. Kindness is an even more valuable currency.
— Alan Cohen, inspirational author
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.
— Khalil Gibran, poet and artist
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
— Simone Weil
Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways, it can change someone else’s life forever.
— Margaret Cho
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
— Unknown
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.
— Maya Angelou
Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile.
— Steve Goodier, motivational writer
Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.
— John D. Rockefeller Jr.
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
— Pablo Picasso
In the end, maybe it’s wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.
— Elizabeth Gilbert, author
It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.
— Albert Einstein
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.
— Frank A. Clark, politician
It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.
— Mother Teresa
And, according to Inspiring Quotes who shared these wonderful words with us, research has found that generosity benefits both the giver and the receiver!
Go for it!

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Being generous in your time, gifts, money, friends & family is because of God’s gift of grace to us. Amen.