Bandana Fun For The 4th!
Today we have some fun and easy ways to use bandanas at your 4th of July celebration 🙂Any or all of these would make a great statement at your party of the 4th!
Use red white or blue bandanas as napkins. Â Place a bandana along with flatware in a mason jar for each guest. (The mason jar can be used as a glass for lemonade or iced tea or other fun beverage).
Use red, white, and blue bandanas to make a quick and easy table cloth. Â Simply use a straight stitch to sew bandanas together to get the length and width that will best cover your table.
Make your outdoor decor more festive with these no-sew pillow covers for your 4th of July party. Â Place a bandana on each side of your pillow or pillow form. Â Smooth and pull bandanas tightly and tie the corners together with grosgrain ribbon.
You can buy bandanas in a variety of colors for $1.50 each here.  Festive home and table decor make fun celebrations even more fun.  And fun celebrations make for fun memories.  Those memories fill your abundant life with so much love and joy for you and everyone who shares the good times you create 🙂

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Love these ideas! Happy 4th of July!
That should have been “smooth” NOT “mouth”. Not sure what happened there but thank you for catching it Lara!