Are You A Night Owl?
Night owls have a reputation for being lazy, but many of them might just have drastically different internal clocks than early birds and others.
We all have a biological timer called a circadian rhythm that controls, among other things, when we feel awake and when we feel sleepy. It can change at different points in our lives, too.
While the vast majority of people are somewhere in the middle, around 30% of people are early-morning or late-night people. It’s not that early birds are more productive or that night owls are lazy; they’re just literally on a different biological schedule. Trying to force either one to conform to a standard human schedule could even have health consequences as a result of chronic sleepiness — although your boss might not accept that as an excuse for coming in late. Haha!
So, rest assured, whether you are a night owl or an early bird, both are wonderful and can be very productive.
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