…And Harry Gets A Dress
Today, we wish Prince Harry many happy returns as he turns thirty ……. and what do you think he gets for his birthday?!Well, Harry is receiving many things for his birthday amongst which is a large amount of money from his mother’s, Diana, estate.
But also, from his mother he is receiving (along with his brother William), his mother’s iconic wedding dress!
Apparently, Diana stated in her Will that she wished her brother, Earl Spencer, to look after certain things including pieces of jewelry, letters, movies and yes, her wedding dress, until both of her boys turned thirty. At that time, she stated that she wished for these items to be turned over to them.
Up until this year, Diana’s wedding dress has been on display at Althorp House, the Spencer residence in the English countryside..
Diana is actually buried on the property – on a little island in the middle of a small lake.
Who knows what her beloved boys will do with the dress. There is talk that they might put it on display at Kensington Palace which is where she had an apartment and where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge now have an apartment which they call their London home.
Rather sweet to think of the boys having their mother’s wedding dress! We will keep you posted as to where you can view it when on a trip to London.

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