A Treat For Fairies – Strawberry Toadstools
Don’t you think little fairies having a tea party in the back garden deserve a special treat? So do we! 🙂There is little your Two Chums enjoy more than a tea party. So here is a fun and truly easy treat for all those garden fairies and gnomes you know who are just waiting for their tea party to begin.
Cut the top of your strawberries off and hollow out a small indent in the center. Cut a wooden toothpick in half and using one half, attach a mini marshmallow to the strawberry to form a strawberry toadstool.
We can promise you, your little fairies (and their mommies and daddies too) will be delighted with this simple and sweet treat. Maybe there should be a tea party in your garden soon and don’t forget the strawberry toadstools:-)

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So cute. But I worry about those toothpick halves.