A Savvy Secret-Spring Cleaning
By now you may have already begun that time honored tradition known as Spring Cleaning. After cozying in all winter the days get longer and warmer there is something that just feels good about cleaning up and clearing out.This is especially helpful for those who suffer from allergies and sensitivity to dust and pollens. Drawers, floors, windows, countertops and closets are not the only places that can use a good cleaning out. While you’re at it, don’t forget your bed, or more specifically, your pillows. We found this post from HomesteadSurvival.com regarding how to wash your pillows and thought it would be helpful to pass along to our chums.
Give this a try. In case you are wondering we have tried this with our down bed pillows. It takes a bit longer for them to dry and fluff up but it works wonderfully and is so worth it. You can of course use dryer balls instead of tennis balls. And don’t worry about how they look when they come out of the washer. The down feathers will be very clumped up and matted together but be patient. The dryer or tennis balls will do the trick but be warned it will take a good amount of time in the dryer for them to fluff. Water won’t hurt the down. Remember, the down came from ducks who live in the water after all.
For the ultimate comfort be sure and iron your pillowcases before you make up the bed. And for an added bonus, iron your sheets as well, OR send them to the laundry or dry cleaner just to have them ironed on an industrial sized iron. We have found the cost is minimal, especially when compared to the comfort ironed sheets bring. If you’ve ever stayed in a nice hotel and wondered what it is about the beds in good hotels that makes them feel so very inviting and comfy, the answer is most certainly, the ironed bedlinen.
We think a cozy, clean bed and a good night’s sleep is a great part of abundant living. Just think how lovely it will feel to climb into a bed with crisp, fresh linens and freshly washed pillows too. Oh what joy!

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