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A Midweek Giggle

For very many years Paul Newman was the heart throb of women everywhere. This story of a woman who randomly encounter the handsome actor might just give you a giggle today.

A Michigan woman and her family were vacationing in a small New England town where Paul Newman and his family often visited. One Sunday, the woman got up early to take a long walk. After a brisk five mile hike, she decided to treat herself to a double dip chocolate ice cream cone. She hopped in the car, drove to the center of the village, and went straight to the combination bakery/ ice cream parlor. There was only one other patron in the store, Paul Newman, sitting at the counter having a doughnut and coffee. The woman’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes matched those famous baby-blue eyes. The actor nodded graciously, and the star struck woman smiled. “You’re a happily married woman with three children, you’re forty-five years old, not a teenager!” she thought to herself.

The clerk filled her order, and she took the double dipped chocolate ice cream cone in one hand and her change in the other. Then she went out the door, avoiding even glancing in Paul Newman’s direction. When she reached the car, she realized that she had a handful of change, but her other hand was empty. “Where’s my ice cream cone? I wonder if I left it in the store?” Back into the shop she went, expecting to see the cone still in the clerk’s hand or in a holder on the counter or something. No ice cream cone was in sight. With that she happened to look over at Paul Newman. His face broke into his familiar, warm friendly grin and he said to the woman, “You put it in your purse.”

Happy Wednesday!

Jackie and Robin

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