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A Lion’s Roar

Large and majestic male lion (panthera leo) resting on a large rock. Shot in wildlife, Kidepo National Park, directly at the border between Uganda and South Sudan.

It’s generally a good idea to keep your distance from lions, which is why it’s reassuring to know that hearing one doesn’t necessarily mean it’s nearby.

A lion’s roar is so loud, in fact, that it can e heard from more than 5 miles away.  Reaching 114 decibels (about 25 louder louder than a gas-powered lawn mower), the sound is louder than that of any other big cat — just one reason why the lion is known as the king of the jungle.

They’re able to make such an imposing call thanks to their larynx: while most animals’ vocal cords are triangular, a lion’s are square and flat. This allows air to pass through more easily and results in a loud roar that requires relatively little effort on the lion’s part. 

Lions aren’t the only animals that can be heard from long distances.

Blue whales make the loudest sound of all, with males emitting a rumbling call that can reach 188 decibels and be heard by potential mates hundreds of miles away.

The famous hyena “laugh,” meanwhile — actually a sound the animals make under stress — can reach a distance of 8 miles.

Lions, blue whales, and hyenas would all be impressed by the mighty, tiny pistol shrimp, which shoots out bubbles to incapacitate its prey and in doing so creates a sound that can reach 218 decibels, louder than a gunshot. Fortunately for any humans that might be nearby, it lasts only a fraction of a second.

So, don’t spend too much time fearing a lion getting close without your knowing it!

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  1. Jennifer and John Dilley #

    Fascinating and fun! Thank you.

    August 22, 2023
    • Two Chums #

      So interesting, right?! Thanks for always being so very supportive of our postings! It means so much to us.

      August 22, 2023

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