Well Done, Jim Rice!

August 8, 1982. A line drive foul ball hits a four year old boy in the head at Fenway.
Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would take EMTs too long to arrive and cut through the crowd, sprang from the dugout and scooped up the boy.

He laid the boy gently on the dugout floor, where the Red Sox medical team began to treat him.
When the boy arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later, doctors said, without a doubt that Jim’s prompt actions saved the boy’s life.
Jim returned to the game in a blood-stained uniform. A real badge of courage. After visiting the boy in the hospital, and realizing the family was of modest means, he stopped by the business office and instructed that the bill be sent to him.
This is what a sports Hero looks like!
We found this on social media and had to share it. Clearly, we are not all going to be able to do exactly what this amazing baseball player had the opportunity to do BUT ——– we ARE going to have an opportunity to do something of special value today. Look for it until you find it.

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What an incredible story!
Love celebrating the good!