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Giving – A Little Child Shall Lead Them

As we sat down to plan the posts for our site this month we knew we wanted to do something about giving to others less fortunate.  We really weren’t sure what it would be or what it would look like but we were confident that by the time we needed it something would come to us.  And something did!

Last week I gave our 9 year old grandson, Jeremy, a copy of a World Vision catalogue which contained suggestions of “gifts” that could be given to help children and families across the world.  I told Jeremy what I planned to spend on his Christmas gifts this year and invited him to look over the catalogue and, if he chose to, pick something that would come out of his gift budget to give to someone else.  I stressed that it was completely up to him if he would participate at all and if he did choose to, it was also up to him how much of his Christmas money he would give up for others.

He immediately devoured the contents of the catalogue, showed it to his 6 year old sister, Sadie and 5 year old cousin, Savannah to see what they would be willing to give up to “buy” things for others.  He came back to me a little later and announced that he wanted to give all his money to buy farm animals for children in need.  I encouraged him to think and pray about his decision and get back to me in a day or two.  I wanted to know he was really sure about his decision since I knew he had a long list of things he was hoping to get for Christmas and Hanukkah.

He did get back to me and he confirmed again that he wanted to use all his money to help other children.  He wanted to see if he could help to raise enough money to buy a fresh water well for a village.  He told me he thought he could get other people to join him and raise even more money.  He set a goal of $20,000.  He has the kind of faith that truly can move mountains!

He asked if I could get him some more catalogues so he could show them to the other children at school and get some of them on board with his idea.  Then he took it a step further and went home and spoke to his dad, Jeff, about helping him create a website where even more people could hear about his idea and have the opportunity to help out. Jeff jumped at the chance, called World Vision and in a matter of a couple of days Jeremy and Sadie have their website!

I told him I would pass this website along to my friends and other family members and now to you our “chums”.  I know things are tight for many people this year and that many of you have already made commitments for your charitable and ministry giving and just can’t do any more.  But if you can help there is a little boy who would be most appreciative of anything you can do, not to mention the children your donations will make a life changing difference to.  And maybe you can pass their website along to your family and friends…or like it on our Facebook page…every little bit helps.

A 9 year old raising $20,000 would be a miracle. The exciting thing is you could actually be a part of making a miracle come true this holiday season and how often have you had the joy of being able to be a part of a real miracle? And by the way, the dollar amount you see as donations given in the upper right hand corner of the site does NOT yet include the money that we will be giving towards this project in lieu of Jeremy and Sadie’s gifts this year.

Please take a second and check out Jeremy and Sadie’s website.  

We have great hopes for what the Lord can do with one little boy’s heart for helping others 🙂

May God’s blessings overwhelm you this holiday season and all year long,

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  1. Sara Vann #

    Thank you to all of you who have and will support this great effort to make a difference in so many lives! Jeremy and Sadie have dreamed BIG and your support in making this happen is beyond words! Peace, love and Happy Holidays to you all!

    December 4, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      We couldn’t be more proud of your children and it is pure joy to support them in this and in any big dream they may yet have! XO,Lolli

      December 5, 2012
  2. ashley fenton #

    We will absolutely make a donation towards Jeremy and Sadie’s fund raising efforts:) It’s so cute and sweet of them it puts a smile on my face!!!

    December 4, 2012
    • Two Chums #

      We are truly grateful for your support Ashley. It is really a joy to see any of the children being willing to be used to help others….I am smiling too but more importantly I think God is smiling 🙂

      December 5, 2012

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