Dear Chums – What Meal Should I Take?
“Dear Chums,
I have offered to take dinner to a friend in need. She has a family of four (including two toddlers).Do you have some good ideas as to what I might take?”
“Meals On Wheels Friend”
Dear Meals On Wheels Friend,
You are indeed a friend to offer to take a meal to someone who is in need of some help. Wouldn’t the world be a nicer place if there were more kind people like you! We do have some thoughts and suggestions for meals to take to a friend. You mentioned your friend has two toddlers at home. It is always good when taking food to someone to find out who will be eating, (adults and/or children) and how many people there will be, as well as any food allergies or restrictions they might have. It is no good going to the time and trouble of making and delivering a meal if there isn’t enough to feed everyone or you take food that they can’t eat.
That being said, usually taking what is classically considered comfort food is always a good idea. Some menu ideas might include:
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, a green salad and bread and ice cream or Brownies for dessert.
Another idea would be to take Chicken Soup, a nice green salad, some bread and Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessert.
While Chicken Soup may seem cliché, it is so for a reason….it is comforting and everyone likes it. Unless it is unseasonably warm, soup is almost always a welcomed delivery. Both children and adults eat it, if you’ve been ill it is easy on your stomach and it is easy to reheat for another meal if there are leftovers. Adding either noodles or rice to the basic soup will make it a bit more hearty too.
The third suggestion is Macaroni and Cheese.
You would be hard pressed to come up with a dish that is more universally enjoyed by all ages. Take along a fruit salad or Spinach Salad and some Cornbread and you have a meal you know will be well received.
Caring for others by sharing a meal is one of the most nurturing things someone can do for another person. If they are in a hard place, or have a new baby, you will be as close to being a hero as you might ever come. Well Done “Meals On Wells Friend” 🙂 These simple acts of kindness show love, create joy for the giver and receiver, and make life so much more abundant for everyone!

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Chicken Pot Pie is one I have had success with taking to people. Adding a salad and dessert completes the meal. Making it fun is a happy thing to do. Once at Halloween, I added a bag of candy corn for the children. I do add a bouquet to the tray of food being delivered, food for the soul and stomach.
Yes, adding a bouquet is such a sweet thing to do! It spells love!