Create a Professional Looking Buffet Table
Having a buffet dinner party or a potluck? Not sure how to make it look great? Let us help you make it look professional and most welcoming. It is simple enough to do with things you probably already have at home. Here’s how:
We have found that, with a very little bit of extra time, you can make your dining room table look really inviting and just as if the caterers have been in to set it up for you. Here’s what you will need:
Setting Up A Buffet Table from Two Chums on Vimeo.
- different sized boxes or books (you will need about 3 or 4 less than the amount of dishes you are serving)
- a long piece of fabric (8 to 10 yards) in a color that goes with your dining room and which is washable
- white platters and bowls
- place card holders
First, you are going to put the boxes or books around your table. Put different heights next to each other and leave a lot of space in between. Next, place your long, washable fabric over the boxes and books to cover them completely. You can “squinch” up the fabric any way you like. Do it loosely – it is all part of the appeal. Let it hang down in places on the table. We stress that you want washable fabric as it is bound to have food spilled on it through the course of your party and you want to just be able to pop it into the washing machine when the event wraps up.
Your platters and bowls will go, both on these boxes and books, and directly onto the table, creating a variety of heights. We like the added touch of using cards that label the dishes, in place card holders, next to each platter or bowl. It just lets your guests know exactly what they are enjoying. You can either write these by hand or print them on your computer.
We suggest white platters as it offers a consistent look and also, food looks great on white. You can pick up white platters and bowls, inexpensively, at a lot of places. Some of the stores we suggest are Target, Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maax, and Crate and Barrel. Pick them up, one at a time, whenever you see them, to get your collection going.
We have served from a buffet with all types of foods – brunch, hors d’oeuvres, entrée dishes and desserts and they all work wonderfully well.
Once the yummy food has been put onto the platters and into the bowls, you are ready to welcome your guests. Boy, they are in for a treat!

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LOVE, JUST LOVE your ideas two chums!!…thanks for sharing! pattie
Thanks for the video, I’m a visual person and the video is so helpful…..and I love to see your faces and hear your voices!
We really appreciate the feedback, Irene. Thanks so much!
You two wonderful Chums, coming right into my kitchen, sharing your helpful and fun ideas….Love it!!
Keep the great recipes and ideas coming:)
Love my Chums!
Thanks for having us into your kitchen. It is our privilege.
Just thrilled about your site. Oh I’am smiling!!! Just loved seeing you two chums come alive on the screen. Always learning a new way to enhance our togetherness with others. Thanks for sharing your JOY with everyone. Love it!
Love you two chums,
~and we love you, Janna!
No one throws a dinner party quite like you Two Chums! We’ve learned from the best over the years and your simple, yet inviting ideas create the perfect environment for a wonderful evening. Keep the ideas coming!
Amanda, darling, you are too sweet! Thanks.